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The Enchanted Moon


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SKU: the enchanted moon book Category:

Author Stacey Demarco

The Enchanted Moon. The ultimate book of authentic lunar ceremonies, spells, mythos and science, Enchanted Moon will transform and inspire you. The alchemy of lunar science will show you how moon cycles work for magic, balance, health and self-realisation and about how both ancient and modern rituals will help you get the most power from those cycles.

Also included are authentic meditations or spells for every one of the 28 phases of the moon, crystal suggestions for each moon phase, gardening by the moon guidelines and a handy 15-year chart of full, dark and new moons for easy reference. Let the beliefs of the goddesses, gods and sacred animals of the moon guide you towards a better life. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, this moonlit book is for you.

Created by Stacey Demarco, respected witch, pagan educator and author of the best-selling annual lunar and seasonal diaries for both hemispheres (now in their 12th editions), this is a truly original and genuine handbook for those who love to be moonstruck. 256 pages hardcover book

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More Information

Do you know the difference between tarot and oracle cards? The main difference is, tarot sets are all based on the same principal. Just like regular playing cards. The have 4 suits and the specialty cards, doesnt matter what the pictures look like they are all read the same. Tarot are the traditional reading cards and have been around for since the 15th century. Oracle card Decks are stand alone. Each deck is individual and interpretation can be up to the reader. To me oracle are more personal suited to the readers needs. I always say the deck chooses you. Pick what you are drawn to. Don’t over think it.

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Weight .9 kg
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