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Making Magick Oracle


1 in stock

SKU: making magick oracle Category:

Making Magick Oracle cards are a beautiful deck. Symbols have been used as talismans for thousands of years to attract good luck, prosperity, healing, love and success, as well as being employed as amulets to repel unwanted influences.

Featuring a dynamic combination of mediaeval charms with ancient symbols, alchemical glyphs and Priestess Moon’s own channeled sigils, each card depicts a powerful cypher that has been designed to tilt the future in your favour.

Have you checked out our other cards

Do you know the difference between tarot and oracle cards, here is a comparison for yor convenience? The main difference is, tarot sets are all based on the same principal compared to oracle. Just like regular playing cards therefore they have 4 suits and the specialty cards, doesnt matter what the pictures look like they are all read the same. Tarot are the traditional reading cards and have been around for since the 15th century. Oracle card Decks are stand alone. Each deck is individual and interpretation can be up to the reader. To me oracle are more personal suited to the readers needs.  I always say the deck chooses you. Pick what you are drawn to and Don’t over think it but use your natural instinct.


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Weight .400 kg
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