
Sacred Light Oracle


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SKU: sacred light oracle Category:
 Sacred Light Oracle

Anna Stark

Sacred Light Oracle comprises 36 cards that blend messages from the ascended masters and spiritual hierarchy. Each card has an associated ascension master, crystal and affirmation. These are aligned to connect you with a higher levels of light frequency. The oracle offers you the knowledge and wisdom so that you can raise your personal vibration to support your divine presence here on earth.
The cards are infused with crystalline energy, combining the healing frequencies of sacred geometry and powerful light energy to support your personal growth and spiritual practice. Access the light realms to expand your consciousness and you will receive direct messages from your ascension guides and celestial teachers with love, compassion and understanding.
The spiritual hierarchy will encourage you to rediscover your innate relationship with the universe. With loving affirmations, sacred crystals and messages from the masters. Your inner knowing will be awakened with peace following and clarity as you walk the mystical path of spiritual ascension.

Have you checked out our other cards

Do you know the difference between tarot and oracle cards? The main difference for this purpose is as follows, tarot sets are all based on the same principal. Just like regular playing cards. They have 4 suits and the specialty cards, doesnt matter what the pictures look like they are all read the same. Tarot are the traditional reading cards and have been around for since the 15th century. In comparason Oracle card Decks are stand alone compared to Tarot cards. Each deck is individual therefore the interpretation can be up to the reader. To me oracle are more personal suited to the readers needs. I always say the deck chooses you. Pick what you are drawn to and don’t over think it but use your natural instinct.

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Weight .4 kg
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